You've surely heard the news by now. Adam Lambert? Idol? Mentor?
Yeah, just as I suggested. Hopefully FOX put my compensation in the mail. I'm a little broke these days.
I've been freaking about Lambert's return to Idol since I first heard of it a week ago. Remember a few blog posts ago when I was crying about that glamazon and the good ol' days of American Idol? I was saying what a disgrace it would be if Adam was a contestant this season, since this batch of contestants is such a hot mess. And then, BOOM! Just like that, headlines read "ADAM LAMBERT CONFIRMED AS IDOL MENTOR."
Say what you will, but for once this season, American Idol viewers are going to be entertained. We're going to get some, gasp!, personality. Lambert's gonna perfect Siobhan's wail. He's going to teach Andrew how to really change a song and make it his own. He's going to make the judges cry as they reminisce about what Idol used to be.

I'm so excited for TV tonight, my head is going to explode.
First up is AMERICAN IDOL with ADAM LAMBERT. Then GLEE returns after a winter hiatus. And as if that's not enough to make your hat pitter patter uncontrollably, there's a new episode of LOST featuring Hurley's crush, Libby, returning from the dead!
Stick a fork in me! I'm done!
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