I'm a hot mess. I'm rearranging my life for Adam Lambert tickets. And I am not ashamed.
I switched shifts at work last minute. Instead of working this morning, I'm working 4pm to midnight. I decided I don't trust my sister to order the Lambert tickets, which went on sale at 10 this morning. This weekend is the second to last weekend in her college career. Therefore, she cannot be trusted to roll her sorry ass out of bed at 9:55am, nor should she be expected to. Let's be serious! I needed to take the resposbility into my own hands. Adam Lambert is very important to me and seeing him in concert has been a major goal in my life ever since I saw him belt out "Whole Lotta Love" on American Idol approximately one year ago. I know he's gay, but hot damn, I don't care.
My alarm clock went off promptly at 9:30am (Fun J from the B Fact: My iHome is set to play "Borderline/Open Your Heart to Me" from the Glee Power of Madonna soundtrack when my alarm goes off. It's what I wake to every morning. Instantly puts a smile on my face.) I jumped up - not a smart move considering the passion fruit martini I chugged last night went straight to my head. I was still feeling the aftermath as I proceeded down two flights of stairs to my parents' dungeon basement where my dinosaur desktop computer sits. As the computer roared to life, I retrieved my credit card from my wallet and rubbed sleep from my eyes. Waiting for ticketmaster.com to load, my heart was racing. Three days ago, Adam sent me a password to purchase tickets during his pre-sale. Since I'm on his fan newsletter email list, I was offered first dibs at tickets. Score! Not so fast. Much to my dismay, Ticketmaster told me repeatedly that tickets were unavailable. I tried painfully to get in touch with an employee of Ticketmaster - like a REAL LIFE human being - but I couldn't get past the automated woman who kept hanging up on me! The nerve! She'd ask what event I was calling about and then she'd say "Tickets for that event go on sale Saturday, May 1st at 10 a.m. Goodbye!" How rude!
I switched shifts at work last minute. Instead of working this morning, I'm working 4pm to midnight. I decided I don't trust my sister to order the Lambert tickets, which went on sale at 10 this morning. This weekend is the second to last weekend in her college career. Therefore, she cannot be trusted to roll her sorry ass out of bed at 9:55am, nor should she be expected to. Let's be serious! I needed to take the resposbility into my own hands. Adam Lambert is very important to me and seeing him in concert has been a major goal in my life ever since I saw him belt out "Whole Lotta Love" on American Idol approximately one year ago. I know he's gay, but hot damn, I don't care.
Today I suffered the same problem. At 10am on the dot I refreshed my ticketmaster.com "Adam Lambert at the Nokia Theater Times Square" event page and to my utter dismay, tickets were not available! Impossible, I say! How could they not be available when they JUST went on sale?! I decided to call my automated friend and ask her why. Instead of hanging up on me, she asked for my credit card information and ordered me two tickets - one for me and one for my soon-to-be college graduate sister. GLAMBERT, HERE WE COME!
I got my boots on, got the right 'mount of leather
And I'm doing me up with a black color liner
And I'm workin' my strut...
Because I am the proud owner of two tickets to see Adam Lambert next month!
Gotta go pick out an outfit! Smell ya later.
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