I think we're at our best by the flicker by the light of the TV set.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy Birthday, Hippie. Here's a Peace & Love Cake!

My mom is the best mom in the world. She 1.) reads my blog regularly, 2.) saw my message to her in my Ringo Starr birthday post requesting she make me a peace and love cake for my 24th and 3.) SHE GOT ME A PEACE AND LOVE CAKE FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!

Mom, I LOVE you, you crazy Beatles fan. You've created a hippie monster.

Also, kudos to a certain someone who promised to be peaceful to everyone he met today in honor of my birthday. And a big thanks to my sis for making me a homemade Lafayette-inspired card that read "Happy. Birthday. Hooka." 

Peace and love, babies. PEACE AND LOVE.

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