I think we're at our best by the flicker by the light of the TV set.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Material Girl Being Sued for Material GIrl Clothing Line...Say What?

We are living in a material world and I am a material girl!

Madonna is reportedly being sued for her brand new "Material Girl" clothing line. A company in California claims they've been using the Material Girl label on their clothing line since 1997.

This is probably a result of Karma since Madge hired Jenny Humphrey (formally known as Taylor Momsen) to be their trashy trash trash model. Madonna's all about that Karma shit, right?

Despite my dislike of Momsen, I may or may not have spent close to $100 on items from Madonna's joint venture with her cooler than cool 13-year-old daughter, Lourdes. It's a good thing I made my purchase when I did because things are looking dark for the original Material Girl and her '80s inspired designs.

The Cali clothing company wants Madonna to hand over all profits from the two-week-old line insisting the name is deceiving to consumers.

Really? Isn't it deceiving that the clothing company in California has been using the name Material Girl? Wouldn't that lead consumers to believe the line had something to do with...the Material Girl? Shouldn't it technically be Madonna doing the suing in this situation? The Cali company technically stole her name first, right? Who's stealing whose copyright here, folks? I'm so confused.

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